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Get Out of Your Head Workshop (1).png

Too often we improvisers begin a scene just standing there, two people next to each other, looking like the number 11. This puts so much pressure on us to 'be funny,' or come up with something clever. Don’t be an 11! By simply choosing an action--even if you don't know exactly what it is you're doing--you give your scene partner a gift. They can simply react to what's in front of them. And’re off to the races! In this workshop, we will build our world on stage by exploring physicality and space work so our scenes become more dynamic and engaging.

Where: Sperrstrasse 67

When: May 11th

Cost: 75CHF per adult participant

50CHF for students

Time: 1PM-4PM


Instructor: Carrie Aikman

Carrie Aikman hails from 'Merica, most recently Los Angeles, where she discovered and fell in love with improv. After training at the Groundlings, she continued with classes, eventually performing with two groups in and around LA. After moving abroad in 2015 and missing her 'weird theatre friends,' she was enormously happy to meet the folks at Boutique Theatre, who offered her the chance to be a total dork again among people who 'get' her. Carrie was a regular contributor on RadioX here in Basel and is excited to continue to work her acting and improv muscles again in Switzerland.

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