Educating Rita, a stage comedy by British playwright, Willy Russell, is a play for two actors. The play takes place entirely in the office of an Open University professor. Originally commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Educating Rita had its premiere at The Warehouse, London, in June 1980 starring Julie Walters and Mark Kingston and directed by Mike Ockrent. The play was later adapted into a film starring Michael Caine and Julie Walters. The play went on to win the Olivier Award in 1980 for "Comedy of the Year."
Rita, a young Liverpudlian and working class hairdresser has decided to take a class at Open University taught by Frank. Frank is a middle-aged educator who salves his weariness with alcohol. Frank is taken by Rita's energy and fresh perspective on classic works. The tutoring sessions take place in Frank's office. It is during these tutoring sessions that we learn more about Rita and Frank and how their relationship develops.
The play tackles themes of gender stereotypes, class, and addiction.
Meet the Cast
After completing her Master's degree in Acting at the University of Essex, East 15 in London, Natalie embarked on an journey, touring extensively for nearly 2 years with three productions, notably including "Hamlet" across Germany, Japan and China.
Since her return to Switzerland, Natalie has engaged with the local theater scene in Basel, gracing the stages of various theater groups such as Theatergruppe Rattenfänger, BEGP, Upstart Entertainment, and the Basalttheater.
Acting has transcended beyond a profession for Natalie; it has evolved into her greatest passion and pursuit. For her, the essence lies in the collaborative process of shaping characters, responsive acting, attentive listening, and fully embodying each role.
Natalie actively participates in approximately 2-3 theater productions annually, bringing her experience and creativity and love for the theater to each performance.
After a questionable childhood in Switzerland, Fred Zimmerman upped sticks and spent over half of his subsequent life in the UK where he learnt many lessons repeatedly.
Fred has recently taken to the stage and has appeared in a number of theatrical productions, both in English and German, including (but not limited to) The Fiddler on the Roof, Ladykillers, Between Worlds, and Perfect Strangers.
He played a mean Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet. Once.
Over the last five years, Fred has also become a passionate improv actor with a disturbing affinity for weird characters and doing funny voices. On occasion he has been known to dance.